A New Fork In The Road

I’ve always believed there are moments in our lives where we can go one direction and it leads to something easy, or another direction and it will be harder but worth it.

I’ve often taken the easier road. It’s hard to digest that I’ve done that, but looking back at my life, I’ve usually taken the easier road.

I don’t know why I’ve done this. I think it has to do with my childhood, but that could be me placing blame where I should accept my failings.

I know the road ahead is fraught with terrible worries. I know where I’m headed will be difficult and I’ll be mostly on my own, again.

Being on my own and doing things for myself has always been my out. It’s always led me to a better place. I know my writing is good. I’ve compared it to many stories I’ve read lately, and I know it’s good. I don’t know why it’s not doing well.

I’ve reached a point, the fork in the road. I can continue writing or stop altogether. I’ve considered the latter quite often lately.

I know what I have to do to get over it. I know where I have to go. I understand all that this journey will entail. It won’t be easy, but I no longer have a choice.

Let’s get it done. Move forward.

How are you Transcending your Writing?

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